Judaic Studies

At Yeshivah of Flatbush we create an environment encouraging a love of Torah and Mitzvot, a love for fellow Jews and all of Hashem’ creations, a love for learning Hebrew, and a love for Israel.

Our guiding philosophy is Ivrit B’Ivrit. The goal of learning Hebrew is to integrate it throughout the Judaic Studies curriculum. Our curriculum includes Tefilah in both Sephardic and Ashkenazi Nusach, Lashon- Hebrew language skills, Chumash and Rashi, Dinim and various Minhagim, Navi, Mishnah and Parashat Hashavuah.

We teach our students according to their own learning capabilities. We offer enrichment groups and Honors classes for students that excel in Hebrew as well as resource room and remedial lessons for those students who need extra help.


Our students regularly conduct the Shacharit service. We offer our students to join either the Sephardic or Ashkenazi minyan according to their tradition. From the moment they receive their very first siddur in a special first grade chagiga, they develop fluency in learning siddur, get introduced to the parts of the Tefilot according to their level, and learn special Tefilot for Rosh Chodesh and chagim so they can feel more confident in synagogue.

Lashon-Ivrit B’Ivrit

The language of instruction in all Judaic studies classes is Hebrew, and our workbooks and booklets are specially designed by our staff.
Students from first through fifth grade are building their Hebrew language skills following a spiral curriculum: Reading and writing- the students learn to read print and script letters and practice writing in script. We emphasize both accuracy and fluency in all elements of Hebrew-- reading comprehension, grammar, spelling, written expression and oral expression. We enhance our Hebrew programs with technology programs created by our staff and iTalAm.

Chumash and Rashi

From the moment our students receive their first book of Chumash Bereshit in a special celebration-- ‘Chagigat Ha’Chumash’--in second grade, they develop a love for the study of Torah. We follow the journey of our fathers Avraham, Itzhak and Yaakov in Chumash Bereshit during second, third and fourth grade, and continue with Moshe Rabenu and Am Israel in Sefer Shemot in fifth grade. Fourth and fifth graders also study Navi Yehoshuah and Shoftim.

Students learn a set of skills to help them become more comfortable reading and understanding the Chumash and with reading biblical language in general. In third grade, students are introduced to Rashi and his explanation of the Torah.

Dinim –Laws and Customs

Our students study both Sephardic and Ashkenazi laws and customs for everyday mitzvot, Shabbat, berachot, Jewish holidays, and more.

The Dinim spiral curriculum conducts an in-depth study of the laws and customs.

We enrich our Dinim learning with activities such as a visit from the Shofar factory, a trip do say Tashlich, visiting neighborhood Sukkot, a Brachot bee, Chanukah activity room, Purim Carnival and Model Seder. The children also take part in celebrations and dramatic plays focusing on Yom Haatzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim.


One of the most important components of our Judaic Studies curriculum is to bolster the connection of the students to Eretz Israel and Medinat Israel. We incorporate various activities in which students are encouraged to explore, extend and enhance their connection and knowledge about Israel. Every year, we host Sherut Leumi girls from Israel who work in our school for the entirety of the school year, preparing special activities that foster a relationship with Israel. We participate in myriad Israel Chesed projects and send packages and letters to Israeli soldiers.

Hebrew Week

Every year we dedicate a week to concentrate on a special Hebrew theme. Our students write and illustrate their own Hebrew books, visit an interactive room with Hebrew games, and design their own Hebrew t-shirts. Parents are invited to their child’s class to read Hebrew books.


Our students in fifth grade are introduced to Mishna and the Torah Sh’baal Peh. Advanced students participate in small group Mishnah learning.

Parashat Hashavuah

Students discuss Parashat Hashavuah and learn the stories and mitzvot of the parasha with a focus on Midot and Mitzvot. They bring home a Dvar Torah to share with their family on Shabbat.

Flatbush Five דרך ארץ

דרך ארץ קדמה לתורה- Derech Eretz is the moto and the basic for all our education.
We follow the five pillars of Flatbush Five which are: Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Responsibility and Humility. We devote a lot of time teaching these values and implementing them into our student’s everyday life.Various Chesed projects are conducted throughout the year.

Students who attend Yeshivah of Flatbush Lower Division Torah Studies receive a strong foundation in Torah, Mitzvot, and Hebrew Language through experiences that will impact their lives forever.
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