General Studies

At Yeshivah of Flatbush we build a classroom atmosphere based on The Flatbush Five and a rigorous work ethic. Our General Studies curriculum is stimulating with a goal of mastering skills and curriculum content.

Our program inspires students to be good citizens and life-long learners. Our teachers are constantly working to upgrade their skills and implement recognized “best practices” in the classroom.

Our General Studies curriculum concentrates first on reading and writing to ensure strong literacy skills. To this we add a solid mathematical curriculum which emphasizes basic number fluency, as well as thinking and problem solving in the five strands: Numeracy, Patterning, Geometry, Measurement and Data Management. In Social Studies and Science we give attention to both the knowledge-content and the process skills.

By ensuring a rigorous program that encourages thinking, analyzing, synthesizing and the mastery of basic skills, we are preparing our children for a bright future.

Reading and Writing

A. Reading Fundamentals
Reading Fundamentals has a central mission to develop, expand, and enhance the skills, strategies, and tools students can use to make meaning of and interact with text. Reading Fundamentals Units of Study exist inside a balanced literacy framework. Within this framework, there are opportunities to read to students (mentor texts), to read with students (shared texts), and to have students read independently (books and other texts at their independent reading levels).

B. Writing Fundamentals
Writing is imperative for success in school, the community, and the workplace, Schoolwides’s Writing Fundamentals Units of Study have a central mission to improve students’ writing by providing explicit instruction that focuses on demonstrating why writers write and how writers communicate their ideas effectively. In order for students to write with power and purpose, the Writing Fundamentals units use quality literature and informational texts to provide authentic examples of various genres and text types.

C. Guided Reading
Guided reading gives teachers the opportunity to observe students as they read from texts at their instructional reading levels. The goal is to help students develop strategies to apply independently.

D. Fountas & Pinnell
Using the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Systems to determine student’s independent and instructional reading levels, teachers are able to observe student reading behaviors one-on-one, engage in comprehension conversations that go beyond retelling, and make informed decisions that connect assessment to instruction.

E. Fundations
Based on the Wilson Reading System principles, Wilson Fundations provides research –based materials and strategies essential to a comprehensive reading, spelling, and handwriting program.

F. Writing Revolution
Writing Revolution provides teachers with an evidence-based and proven instructional methodology, the Hochman Method. This system enables students to master the skills that are essential if they are to become competent writers.

G. John Collins Writing Program (Grades 4-5)
The goal of this program is to improve student performance through writing and thinking across the curriculum. While this was an introduction for new faculty members, for others it offered a brief review of the basic concepts as well as new critical strategies that are research based and highly effective.

H. Frayer Model of Vocabulary (Grades 3-5)
The Frayer Model is a strategy that uses a graphic organizer for vocabulary building. This technique requires students to (1) define the target vocabulary words or concepts, and (2) apply this information by generating examples and non-examples.

I. Vocabulary from Classic Roots (Grades 4-5)
Vocabulary from Classic Roots is ideal for students mastering a growing content-area vocabulary in social studies, science, literature, and mathematics – predominantly multisyllabic Greek- and Latin-based words. Strategic instruction helps students learn to unlock the meanings of thousands of words. As students transition from learning to read to reading to learn, they will develop a useful, transferable technique to make sense out of unfamiliar words.


Math in Focus: Singapore Math
Math in Focus is an authentic Singapore Math curriculum – with problem solving as the center of math learning and concepts taught with a concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression through real-world, hands-on experiences.
Math in Focus in the classroom:
• Supports the goals of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
• Is research-based and focuses on classroom learning, discussion and practice
• Balances conceptual understanding, visual learning and problem solving


S.T.E.M. – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math is at the center of our science programs. Teachers integrate these disciplines through project/problem based learning and use coding to program and solve problems.

Social Studies/Torah Studies Integration

Structured around the themes of Asara BeTevet, Tu BiShvat, Yom Ha’atzmaut, and Yom Yerushalayim, our Zionist curriculum provides lessons that bring the miracle of Israel to life.
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