
Annual AIPAC Lobbying Trip
Every year students travel to Washington, D.C. and receive training from working AIPAC lobbyists. The trip culminates with a visit to Capitol Hill where students get the chance to utilize their lobbying skills when they meet with Congressional representatives from their individual districts. 

Commission Fair
The commission fair is probably one of the most important events of the entire year. At this fair all the commissions and clubs in the school are on display and all eligible students can sign up. Additionally, if anyone wants to start up a new commission this is the perfect opportunity to recruit and build up their commission. The fair is also a lot of fun real as students go and collect different commission stickers.

Israel Activism Symposium
Each year we invite experts in the field of Israel advocacy to address students. Organization including AIPAC, Students Supporting Israel and Stand With Us have sent representatives to give informative and engaging sessions on how to advocate for Israel.

Israel Institute Newsletter
A quarterly publication on current events in Israel distributed within the Yeshivah and to the community. Each issue features a moment in Israeli history, a political cartoon, a book recommendation and a selection of news stories from Israeli politics, economics and culture pinpointed on a map of Israel.

Junior Picnic
Junior Picnic is a fun and interactive day at a park where the junior grade has the opportunity to bond before senior year over sports, BBQ and other fun activities.

Open House

Students help organize and participate in the annual Open House held to introduce eighth grade students and their parents to the Yeshivah. Additionally, a mini commission fair takes place at the end of the Open House to give eighth grade students a chance to learn about all the commissions and clubs the school has to offer.

Celebrate Israel Parade

Every year our school participates in the Celebrate Israel Parade. Students can help build or paint our presentation artwork, march with flags, or learn a dance to be performed at the parade. Students get to help the school, have fun and at the same time show support for Israel.

Yom Ha’Atzmaut

This commission enhances our annual experience in celebrating the independence of our Jewish homeland, Medinat Yisrael. Work includes participating in the ceremony, collecting pictures, and setting up the auditorium and hallway exhibits.

Yom HaShoah

Witness Theater is an intergenerational "journey" that provides a unique opportunity for high school seniors to connect with Holocaust survivors. Students and survivors meet once a week from September through Yom Hashoah. In these meetings, students gain a profound appreciation and first-hand understanding of the Holocaust, while survivors learn to deal more effectively with the pain of their past by expressing it. Eventually, with guided facilitation by Sally Shatzkes, Drama Therapist/Director, a dramatic performance of the survivors’ stories emerges and is performed on Yom Hashoah for the public. Witness Theater enables the survivors to tenderly pass their memories and legacies from one generation to another.

(Open to 12th graders by application ONLY. Applications open in June)

Yom Hazikaron

The Yom Hazikaron assembly is presented every year on the 4 of Iyar, a day before Yom Ha’Atzmaut. Its purpose is to let the students and teachers spend more time reflecting on and paying respect to the soldiers who gave their lives to defend the Jewish State as well as victims of terror. The program includes songs, narratives, slides, and honor guards. There is also a special commemorative display in the lobby. Responsibilities include singing or reading aloud for the program, setting up the lobby display or acting as honor guards.


Yachad is an amazing organization as well as an opportunity to perform a tremendous chesed. It’s easy to get involved in Yachad – just show up! Yachad brings developmentally challenged people together with non-disabled people in social situations, such as shabbatonim, monthly learning programs and other functions. For example, we hold a Yachad-Flatbush Shabbaton annually in May and celebrate Flatbush Yachad Chagigot during Purim and Chanukah. Don’t be nervous about interacting with the Yachad members, they are truly some of the nicest and friendliest people you will ever meet. At Yachad, nobody cares what you look like, what clothes you wear, or what grades you get – what matters is the beauty of your neshama. Yachad gives students the perspective on what’s important in life and shows them how to really find the good in every person.

In January, during the winter break, students from YOF have the opportunity to go on a special 8 day STEM and Entrepreneurial trip to Israel. Students travel to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa and meet with inventors, start-up companies, entrepreneurs & investors. Highlights have been visits to PrimeSense for KinectBox 360, MobilEye (camera systems for cars), MiLab (robotics lab), and G-Nius (unmanned ground vehicles). Students also met with entrepreneurs and investors and visited Google Israel. Additionally, students worked to brainstorm ideas for their own start-ups, built websites for their start-ups at WIX and learned how to pitch their ideas to entrepreneurs. This wonderful opportunity has helped inspire students to explore careers in engineering and as entrepreneurs.

Color War is a wonderful multi-disciplined program that teaches leadership and enhances feelings of camaraderie and community. It gives students a chance to explore their Torah knowledge, music and artistic talents and skills, while learning about themselves, Judaism and ahavat yisrael in a nontraditional classroom setting. Color war is an opportunity for all students to get involved and shine in extracurricular activities that integrate Jewish values and life lessons. Through color war students become leaders adept at initiating, organizing, implementing and achieving amazing results. Color war teaches students how to work together in teams and infuses school sprit among all students.


A cross-curricular symposium for juniors and seniors, coordinated by the Library and English departments, centered on the themes from one book, showcasing numerous workshop sessions led by guest presenters as well as faculty. Students participate in producing art, drama and film interpreting the themes of the book and are involved in all levels of creating and presenting Book Day.

Sephardic Heritage
The goal of the Sephardic Heritage trip to Spain/ Portugal and Gibraltar is to bring to life the glorious history and culture of Sephardic Jewry in its original setting through visits to cities, museums, archaeological sites, synagogues, and much, much more, students experience both the grandeur and glory as well as the tragedy and ultimate destruction of Iberian Jewry. The experience enables students to better appreciate the richness and complexity of the Sephardic heritage.

Chesed Mission
Each winter break, JBHS Dean of Students Rabbi Naftali Besser, Each winter break, Rabbi Besser takes a group of students and adults to Israel to do chesed for 10 days straight. Those who go on this incredible trip visit victims of terror, hospitals, rehab facilities and institutions that help children and adults dealing with physical and emotional challenges, and volunteer in soup kitchens. The trip has an indescribable impact on the students, parents and faculty members who join Rabbi Besser.

Heritage seminars is a unique educational experience for seniors who travel to Poland for a week to better their understanding and appreciation for the lives of European Jews in the pre-Holocaust era as well as to understand firsthand the devastation of the Shoah. This program strengthens Jewish identity, awareness, and commitment to the Jewish people and the state of Israel.

In January, during the winter break, students from YOF have the opportunity to go on a special 8 day STEM and Entrepreneurial trip to Israel. Students travel to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa and meet with inventors, start-up companies, entrepreneurs & investors. Highlights have been visits to PrimeSense for KinectBox 360, MobilEye (camera systems for cars), MiLab (robotics lab), and G-Nius (unmanned ground vehicles). Students also met with entrepreneurs and investors and visited Google Israel. Additionally, students worked to brainstorm ideas for their own start-ups, built websites for their start-ups at WIX and learned how to pitch their ideas to entrepreneurs. This wonderful opportunity has helped inspire students to explore careers in engineering and as entrepreneurs.

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