Physical Education

Department Chair, Physical Education

Ms. Robyn Dweck [email protected]   


Comprehensive Health and Physical Education are complementary disciplines sharing a similar, yet distinctive, body of knowledge. Our curriculum is built around standards that provide a consolidated approach to instruction with wellness as a common theme. Our goal is to teach students to take responsibility for their actions, stay physically fit and prepare for a healthy and active lifestyle.


The High School Physical Education program is designed as the culmination of the educational process of inculcating in our students the recognition of how to live a healthy and active lifestyle and cultivate a positive sense of self. Courses build on the foundation set at the Elementary grades and enhanced during the Middle School years to provide students with the skills to monitor and assess healthy personal fitness levels. Students will explore advanced concepts in personal fitness skill development as well as skill development and game strategies for success in individual and team game settings.

In addition to the traditional gymnasium and outdoor activities, the Yeshivah of Flatbush will look to provide supplemental instruction in CPR & First Aid as well as Krav Maga/Self-Defense when possible. Classes in CPR/First Aid will employ the approved Red Cross Curriculum.   Instruction in CPR/First-Aid and in Self-Defense Skills will be provided by certified instructors.  

At the High School, as in the earlier grades, the primary focus is on creating a knowledge base for life-long health and fitness and an appreciation for and hopefully participation in a lifetime of activity. Please note that in accordance with Yeshivah of Flatbush guidelines, classes for boys and girls in grades 9-12 are conducted separately.

To view the three-year PE curriculum cycle, please click on the "Curriculum" label in the drop-down menu.


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