
High school boys in library.Boys studying Torah.Students sitting in desks in classroom.


The Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School stands at the forefront of American Jewish education, setting standards of excellence emulated by other academic institutions around the world.
Over generations, we have graduated more than ten thousand students with a thirst for knowledge, commitment to Torah, Mitzvot, and Zionism, love of the Hebrew language and dedication to service.
We pride ourselves on our unique complement of Jewish and American values and an education which synthesizes Torah and secular studies with an unparalleled offering of extra-curricular activities, all in an atmosphere of inquiry and exploration.

Our mission is to inspire, challenge, and support our studentsto grow into adults who have character, compassion, and scholarship, with commitment to Torah u’Mitzvot, Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.

We empower our graduates to succeed, lead, and serve in institutions of higher learning, their communities and the world at large.

המטרה שלנו היא לעורר את תלמידינו לפעילות, לאתגר אותם ולתמוך בהם

.כדי שיגדלו להיות מבוגרים שיש להם מידות, חסד, וחכמה, עם מחויבות לתורה ומצוות, לעם ישראל ולמדינת ישראל

.אנו מעודדים את הבוגרים שלנו להצליח, להנהיג ולשרת בישיבות, באוניברסיטאות, בקהילותיהם ובעולם כולו

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