The Ladies Auxiliary has been a mainstay of the operations and programming of the Yeshivah of Flatbush for over 80 years. We are an organization made up of dedicated parents, working in concert with the administration and faculty of all our divisions to enhance the school experience of all the members of our Yeshivah community.
Raising significant revenue yearly, our programs and services are ever evolving, responding to the needs of our Yeshivah family. Besides "simple" fundraising, we cater to our children's everyday needs (lunch, snacks, school supplies, after-school enrichment), we help supply our families with all their holiday needs (etrogim and lulavim, fabulous Chanukah gifts from our annual Boutique, gorgeous Purim Mishloach Manot baskets, Pesach candy and shmurah matzah) and we host innumerable special events and programs designed to please the vast array of interests in our community - both educational and recreational. And we have a great time doing it!
None of this could succeed without the ongoing support of our parent volunteers - those of our Board who dedicate tremendous time and energy in running our programs, and those who just stop in when they have a moment free from their busy schedules. The bottom line is that we do it for our children. They benefit from the services we provide, they feel pleased and proud to see us in the course of a day, and they learn from our example - that we believe school is important and community service a part of life.
Please visit the rest of our site and stop in the Ladies Auxiliary Office when you come to school. We look forward to meeting you.
The Ladies Auxiliary is headed by a president who serves for a one-year term after first serving for a year as president-elect. This ensures continuity within our leadership. The Ladies Auxiliary Board consists of 25 hard-working volunteers, each of whom chairs at least one major event or program per year.