The Naomi Houllou A"H Ladies Auxiliary

The Ladies Auxiliary of the Yeshivah of Flatbush is comprised of mothers and friends of our Yeshivah whose primary goal is to positively impact and enhance the lives of our children and families. Together, we support and assist in promoting the highest values, principles and ideals of our Yeshivah.

The Ladies Auxiliary provides cultural and educational programs and events that all serve to develop relationships, strengthen connections, and create a warm, loving environment. We celebrate parent involvement and are dedicated to contributing our time, energy and talents, all for the benefit of our children, our school, our home, and our community.

Ladies Auxiliary programs and events provide opportunities to strengthen connections between you, your child and the Yeshivah.

Stop in, call or text any of our board members to learn more, get involved and make a difference.

Staff members wearing LA t-shirts.LA members at the Israeli Day Parade.Little girls holding their artwork.LA ladies at event at someone's house.
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