The campaign for the Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School Al and Sonny Gindi Campus
The Yeshivah of Flatbush embarked on a decade-long and multi-year transformational initiative - the Blueprint for Excellence Campaign - to build a brand new section and improve the Joel Braverman High School and convert it into a 21st century educational environment. Opening in September 2018, the building has already reaped significant fruits, with the completion of the Khezrie Auditorium, Laboz Lobby, BenHaim Bet Midrash, Laniado Gym, Stein Student Commons and a Café operated by Crawfords. This ambitious campaign addresses far more than the look of our School; it addresses what we do for each student day in and day out - academically, spiritually and socially.
Your support will ensure that the Yeshivah of Flatbush remains an essential educational pillar and leader in the Jewish community for years to come.
Here is the Menu of Opportunities for the Capital Campaign:

To learn about how you can support the Capital Campaign, including named gift and dedication opportunities, please contact Norma Shamah
[email protected] at 718-377-4040, ext. 104.