Course Description




Ensemble & Improvisation

This experiential course is designed to give our students an understanding of how to transform their class into a community of people who are responsible for and supportive of each other. Through the wonderfully engaging world of improvisation and the basic rule of “Yes, And!” students learn and practice critical life skills that they will need in all areas of their futures. 


Fundamentals of Music Technology

Ever wonder how bands, rappers, and DJs get their sounds and beats? Ever think, "I wish I could do that"? Ever find yourself completely lost in a song?  In this course, we'll explore the building blocks of the music you have on your playlists. We'll experiment with putting different sounds together, crafting our own beats, and creating our own original music using programs like Garageband and Logic.

Music Technology is an applied study of recording and producing software in music. Advanced topics include: sound design, digital audio effects, digital recording and mixing, digital audio workstations, and the use of MIDI controllers.



Fundamentals of Visual Arts 

Visual arts is a dynamic and engaging half-year course designed for all sophomore students to explore various artistic mediums. Twice a week, students will delve into the world of visual arts, focusing on drawing, painting, and printmaking techniques. The curriculum is structured around the elements and principles of art, providing students with a strong foundation in artistic theory and practice. Assessments in this course will be based on a rubric that considers students' effort, technical understanding, and creativity in completing various projects.

Course Objectives: The predominant objective of this course is to foster creativity and visual literacy. Along with this goal is the development of competency in the area of visual communication and personal expression. The overriding approach should be one that uses broad metrics for success and an inclusive attitude toward diversity in expressive styles, approaches and concepts.




Advanced Music Theory 

         Students must have the ability to read music and have proficiency on a musical instrument, and the ability to sing on pitch. The course includes fundamental writing skills, sight singing, ear training, and learning to write melodic and harmonic dictation. It emphasizes the building blocks of music including intervals, scales and keys, chords, metric organization, and rhythmic patterns. The class meets three times a week. This course is the prerequisite for AP Music Theory. 


AP Music Theory -Seniors Only

         This is an extensive one-year college level course that further explores topics and concepts learned in the Advanced Music Theory course (for sophomores and juniors). Students take part in daily ear-training exercises, sight-singing, recognition of chord changes, writing melodic and harmonic dictations, and more creative and sophisticated tasks, such as: realization of figured bass, realization of Roman numeral progression, composition of bass line for a given melody, and implying appropriate harmony. In addition, the course emphasizes score analysis through listening to a wide variety of music, including not only music from standard Western repertoire but also contemporary, jazz, and popular music. Students will take the AP exam in May and may earn college credit for a strong score.

Prerequisite: Advanced Music Theory 



Making Music: seniors only 

Unlock your musical creativity with Making Music, an 8th period senior elective led by the Mrs. Janet Pichotto. Dive into the world of harmonies, rhythms, and melodies as you explore musical concepts through the powerful tool of GarageBand. This course offers a unique blend of basic music theory, historical insights, and beginner music technology.


Media Production: Our hands-on Media course encompasses audio and video production, podcasting, and media business applications. Students will actively create multimedia projects and compile them into a professional portfolio.

Graphic Design:

AP 2-D Art and Design: Photography

This is an advanced level course that enables students to develop mastery in concept, composition, and execution of ideas, while introducing students to the field of photography and the digital darkroom. Students are provided with DSLR cameras and learn camera mechanic basics, principles of design, Photoshop as digital darkroom and photo manipulation. Assignments are based on traditional photographic techniques and subjects and include discussions of historic influences, traditional genres of photography and the aesthetics of photography as art. The course is designed for students who have an interest in photography and design and who enjoy taking pictures. All photo assignments are completed outside of the classroom as homework.

The course is developed as a college level program completed at the high school level. Students explore a variety of concepts and approaches in order to demonstrate their abilities and versatility with problem solving, ideation, and techniques. Students’ initial projects are used to develop a plan of action for their concentration. Students maintain a sketchbook/creative journal throughout the course as an additional source for concentration ideas. Course requirements include the timely submission of all assignments, one research project and presentation, unit quizzes, and a final 24-piece portfolio.

Prerequisite: “Introduction to the Graphic Arts” and teacher approval. 

Requirements for the final portfolio have been developed by the College Board Advanced Placement Program and promote a sustained investigation of the three aspects of portfolio development—quality, concentration, and breadth—which are represented in 24 different advanced level artworks submitted to the College Board for scoring in May. Students are required to submit a portfolio to the College Board AP program in May and may earn college credit for a strong score.

AP 2-D Art and Design: Graphic Design  

This advanced level design course is developed as a college level program completed at the high school level and builds on the Intro course completed in the sophomore year. Assignments explore design processes, with an emphasis on critical thinking, concept development, implementation and the principles of design. Students will heighten their awareness and understanding of our visual cultural, learn the vocabulary used in the field of graphic arts, and gain an appreciation for successful design. Assignments are created using Adobe Creative Suite software (Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign).

Students explore a variety of concepts and approaches in order to demonstrate their abilities and versatility with problem solving, ideation, and techniques. Students’ initial projects completed in the fall semester (Breadth) demonstrate a wide range of design concepts and principles. The spring semester focuses on an in-depth exploration of a specific design concentration. Students maintain sketchbook/creative journal throughout the year as an additional source for ideas for their concentration. Course requirements include the timely submission of all assignments and a final 24-piece portfolio.

Requirements for the final portfolio have been developed by the College Board Advanced Placement Program and promote a sustained investigation of the three aspects of portfolio development—quality, concentration, and breadth—which are represented in 24 different advanced level artworks submitted to the College Board for scoring in May. Students may earn college credit for a strong score.

Advanced Graphic Design 

This course explores graphic communication through the understanding of the elements and principles of design; as well as the design process - following from idea development through the final execution of a document. Professionals use the concepts explored in this course in the following disciplines: advertising, graphic design, web design, illustration, broadcast design, photography and game design and many others. Assessment will be based upon a rubric that takes into consideration effort, technical understanding and creative use of resources for the completion of various assignments using PhotoShop, illustrator and InDesign 

Course Objectives & Specific Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: Define and trace the development of Graphic Design; Identify the numerous design careers which are available; Evaluate designs (your work and others) for audience, meaning and effectiveness  Identify and use the Elements and Principles of Design in a decisive fashion; Distinguish between the types of graphic images used; Understand and use color to communicate ideas to others; Understand the principles of graphic placement; Use typography effectively in a design

Design Rescue -seniors only

Design Rescue is an on-campus pro bono design studio staffed by 12th grade students who have taken Graphic Design I and Advanced Graphic Design.

Design Rescue is a pure Work-Based Learning (WBL) experience for Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School students. WBL projects help students develop essential employability skills and build a strong, positive work history.  It can also help them build an important network of peers and employers that often connect the dots between job seekers and the right position.

It is the goal of Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School Graphic Design Class to provide a studio environment where students can have experiences that go beyond the classroom. 

Companies win too!  They have the opportunity to shape the next generation of skilled workers from an early stage and engage directly with the local education system in a meaningful way.

Visual Art

AP Drawing/Advanced Art Lab

This college level course is designed in accordance with College Board AP guidelines for studio art instruction. Students are directed in the pursuit of a sustained inquiry based investigation of both subject and process. Assignments will support students in the preparation of a successful portfolio for submission to the AP Studio Art Portfolio assessment.  Students are required to document their process of exploration while creating ambitious and complex works that reflect conceptual insights and the cultivation of innovative formal and expressive approaches to image-making. Ideal candidates for this class are highly motivated, self directed individuals who are willing to dedicate themselves fully to this challenging and exciting commitment.

The Advanced Art Lab provides students with the opportunity to enter into a highly experimental and creative environment where their skills in painting, drawing, sculpture and installation art will evolve and grow. Students will be directed through diverse coursework that both challenges and develops their understanding and approach to making art.  Students will cultivate the ability to analyze works of art as well as speak intelligently about their own pieces.  Ideal candidates for this course are students who are highly motivated, receptive to instruction and new methods as well as seriously committed to developing and refining their expressive skills.

 Students who would like AP Credit, are required to submit a portfolio to the College Board AP program and may receive college credit for a strong score. 


Art Makers

This innovative and inspiring elective is specifically designed for juniors and seniors who are passionate about art and eager to unleash their creative potential. In this course, students will embark on an artistic journey, delving into the realm of 3D art creation and exploring a diverse array of techniques. Through hands-on projects, collaborative activities, and immersive learning experiences, students will have the opportunity to cultivate their artistic skills and express their unique creative voices.



Artistic Expression Seniors only

This transformative and empowering elective is tailored for senior students who are ready to embark on a profound creative journey. This course serves as a nurturing space where students are encouraged to explore, experiment, and amplify their unique artistic voices through a wide spectrum of mediums and forms of expression. Guided by passionate instruction, students will delve into the depths of their creativity, discovering hidden talents and unlocking the true potential of their artistic selves.



AP Art History

AP Art History is a college-level introductory course to the history of global art from prehistoric times to the present.  Students will be presented with a survey of Western Art, as well as an introduction to the traditional arts of major civilizations in Asia, Africa and the Americas. 


Film Studies, Seniors only

Film Studies is a cultural, artistic, and historical exploration of films and film genres. Students will critically analyze movies as an art form as well as a reflector and instigator of America's culture and values. 


Public Speaking, Drama and the Art of Communication

Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center has all concluded that 85% of job success comes from having well‐developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills). Soft skills include the ability to communicate clearly, be confident, be willing to push out of your comfort zone, and to work with others successfully. This is exactly what is taught in the Public Speaking/Drama course.  Whether you’re a veteran performer at Flatbush, or someone who’s afraid to even speak in class, this fun but vitally important course is for you. The class has been created to help both those students who want to develop confidence in public situations and/or those students who want to work on expanding their acting skills. We begin the course with a focus on public speaking, where students will learn techniques to overcome nervousness and gain the confidence to be effective communicators, both with prepared material and extemporaneously. This is a skill critical to college and job interviews and success in whatever your eventual job might be. The remaining part of the school year will be devoted to drama. We do concentration exercises, lots of improvisation (teaching students how to think quickly and stay focused), scene study, character development, and we will also examine the great works of theater and classic movies, and the actors who brought them to life, (giving students an appreciation for America’s cultural past). ‘Tests’ are performances which indicate a student’s mastery of the skills taught. No requirements are necessary to take this course, other than a willingness to fully participate--and enjoy yourself. 



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