Message from Head of Elementary School

Dearest Flatbush Mishpachot,

As I sit here in the venerable Yeshivah of Flatbush institution on my very first month of service, I am overwhelmed with a deep sense of gratitude and humility. I could not think of a more appropriate inaugural task than to reach out and thank each and every one of you, our Flatbush faithful. 

I, for lack of a more befitting term, am an outsider. I have appreciated the storied legacy of this institution from afar. I attended various Modern Orthodox yeshivah day schools, whose aspirations and benchmarks were inspired by Yeshivah of Flatbush. When I attended Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon Shevut, it was the Flatbush students who did not need any grace period transitioning to our Israeli yeshiva both in language and in achievement. When I continued on to university, those that stood at the head of each class were again Yeshivah of Flatbush graduates. Since I continued on my path into chinuch, and engaged with parents and grandparents both in my community and others, the Yeshivah of Flatbush family continues to be recognized and distinguished amongst the broader yeshivah day school community.
Rabbi Tsaidi smiling with students
 When I was younger I found the academic prowess to be the most impressive common trait amongst my YOF chevre. As I grew older, I began to appreciate that their scholarship was accompanied by a truly harmonious idealism that synergized a serious engagement in Torah study along with a dedication to excellence in every area and facet of their life. However, during this current stage of my life, and with the unique opportunity over these past four months to be brought into the YOF mishpacha, it is neither of those traits that impresses me most, nor is it either of those traits that excited my wife and me to dedicate our lives to the Yeshivah of Flatbush. What stands out most to us is the unwavering, sincere and passionate pride of the institution. A pride so palpable that not infrequently I find myself interacting with those that have never even attended the Yeshivah, who speak of their distant associations to the school and the rich history of the school with a pride as if it was their own. Pride is contagious. It connects us in such deeply unique ways. It goes beyond just the years we spend inside our building and it lasts in us until we live it through our children. With that sentiment, I find myself going back to those very same feelings of gratitude and humility for the opportunity to be brought into this most special mishpacha. 
As I transition into my position as Head of Elementary School, it is imperative to me that I communicate with you, the parent body and the extended YOF family. I want to share my goals and my vision for our continued growth and prosperous future. My hope is that it takes the form of true and genuine communication - one that is mutual in nature. I sincerely invite your feedback. Yes, even the constructive criticism that comes along with your passion for and dedication to the school. I hope to impart my fervent belief that the success we will find for our children's future will come in the form of true and whole partnership between home and school. To me, the true secret of this institution is the unyielding commitment and partnership of our YOF families to make this the best place of education for each and every child.

As Head of Elementary School there is a wide range of goals that I have set 
for myself. They include:

Crystallization of our school's vision. Build upon the strengths of our school to help set a vision that is in line with 21st century preparedness and best practices. To establish Yeshivah of Flatbush as a laboratory school, where the most daring and innovative teachers come to grow themselves and in turn educate, empower and inspire our children.

Development and oversight of school culture.
Mentor, support and empower all of our faculty and staff to ensure that our instruction is engaging, innovative and striving for excellence at every juncture in our student's academic and broader school experience.

Faculty growth and development.
Empower and support faculty and staff to grow in their craft and be supported to reach their individual and our joint professional goals.

Support and guidance of administration. Support our educational administration to accomplish their goals and provide the appropriate platform for their continued success.

Community building.
Continue to build and foster a community of learning and growth in a partnership between home and school.

Organizational management.
Evaluate, research and guide the implementation of thoughtful processes in all areas of school function.

I want to personally thank the overwhelming amount of you who have generously offered your genuine support over these past few months. My wife Emunah and I are truly touched and want to express our deepest hakarat hatov. May we continue מחיל אל חיל, from strength to strength, and through our joint efforts, continue to teach, empower and inspire each of our students to realize their greatest potential.

Behakara raba ~ With tremendous gratitude,

Click here to read about "Creating Connections: A Conversation with Rabbi Yahel Tsaidi, Head of Elementary School at Yeshivah of Flatbush" featured in February 2019 Image magazine.
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