Attendance and Grading


Students are required to be in class every day. Absences can result in loss of important information and may result in a lower grade. If an absence is anticipated, it is recommended that the student talk with the instructor.
Grading Policy

As an overview, students are expected to do the following:
1) Be on time
2) Be prepared (this means dressed in accordance with the class guidelines - PE shirt,  laced/velcroed sneakers, acceptable shorts (for the boys)/leggings or sweats or long shorts (for the girls), hair in a ponytail (for girls))
2) Be attentive and respectful (this includes appropriate interactions with instructors as well as with peers)
4) Be on task, try all assigned skill work with a positive attitude

More specifically, students will be graded on the following components as follows:

  • Preparation
    All students in every grade are expected to attend class wearing sneakers, with the laces tied. Elementary and Middle Division students are expected to wear their regular school clothes. Students in the High School must also wear the designated school Physical Education shirt, sweatpants or shorts (without zippers, buttons or belt loops), t-shirt and/or sweatshirt. Being unprepared will negatively impact your overall grade for the course.
  • Participation
    Participation is defined as actively taking part in the activity that the class is involved in on that particular day for the entire class period.
  • Warm-Up
    Activity is defined as actively engaging in run, game and/or stretching that generally takes place before the activity.
  • Class Work
    Students will be graded on such things as quizzes, tests, journals and/or writing projects as applicable.
  • Sportsmanship
    Students will be accountable to conformance to rules, spirit, and etiquette of the activity or game. These include overlapping concepts: fair play, sportsmanship, and character.
At the end of each lesson, students are awarded a point value grade. Daily point values are on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being a top daily grade. It is a combination of both subjective and objective evaluations of the above general criteria and is awarded by the instructors at the end of every lesson.

3.75 - 4.0 = A
3.6 - 3.74 = A-
3.4 - 3.59 = B+
3.3 - 3.39 = B
3.2 - 3.29 = B-
3.1 - 3.19 = C+
2.9 - 3.09 = C
2.6 - 2.89 = C-
2.0 - 2.59 = D
1.99 and below = F

* Students who are not participating in class due to a medically excused illness or injury are responsible for all material presented during classes. Additionally, such students may be required to complete supplemental written assignments that are assigned by their teacher.


Students are required to dress appropriately for activity classes. At the High School, this includes shorts/sweatpants, shirts/sweatshirts, and athletic footwear. Additionally, all students are expected to wear the designated Yeshivah of Flatbush Physical Education shirt for class. Students are each provided with two shirts at the start of each school year.  All jewelry is prohibited.

Instructors have the authority to use their discretion on dress code as it affects student and staff safety.

Medical Restriction Notes

Any student requesting medical release from activity in Physical Education must submit a “Medical Restriction Form” filled out by his or her physician. (The form can be obtained from the student’s Phys. Ed. Instructor. Students are required to stay with their classes and are responsible for all material covered as part of that class.


All injuries, no matter how small, should be reported to the instructor immediately upon occurrence. The instructor will decide on the best course of action to take.

Locks and Lockers (High School only)

Each student must provide their own lock for physical education. They should always secure personal items during class time. Under no circumstances should personal belongings be left unlocked. Sharing of lockers is prohibited.

Lost Articles

It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that all personal belongings are secured. In the event that something is misplaced or missing, please report it to the instructor immediately.

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