Chesed/Community Service Guidelines


Chesed & Community Service

This requirement introduces students to the value of volunteerism. After graduating, many students become leaders in chesed/community service and worthy causes for a lifetime.


All students are required to complete 30 hours per year of community service, 15 hours per semester.
Students must  choose from 1 of the 3 choices in order to fulfill the requirements.

15 HOURS OF CHESED/COMMUNITY SERVICE (no specific places …) ***

1.  a. Five hours per semester must be submitted before each progress report in order to receive a passing grade on that progress report.

b. Up to 5 hours can be rolled over from the first to the second semester.

c. No more than 10 hours will be accepted per activity per year. 

2.  The 15 hour per semester requirement will be granted to you based on whether you submit your pre-approved 15 hours on our new app (Mobileserve)  on or before the deadlines each semester. These dates will be published and you will be informed of them via email.  Failure to submit these 15 hours will result in an ‘F’ on your transcript. The ‘F’ will become a ‘C’ when the hours are made up. Failure to complete this requirement will delay receipt of a diploma.

3.  Up to 5 summer hours will be accepted if pre-approved before June 20th . You must submit a request in writing listing the specific organization, contact person and volunteer project. An excellent example would be volunteering/interning at a community hospital. These 5 hours can be accrued towards the following year’s requirement.

4.  Students may not be paid for their time, nor may they work for an established private business.

5.  You must obtain pre-approval for each program, so that  that there will not be any question or doubt whether the activity you chose is acceptable.

6.  Ms. Sara Ovadia , the Chesed/Community Service advisor will be available to discuss your community service activities during various times throughout each week. It is most beneficial to set up a meeting or two during the year to maximize the benefits you can receive from this program. Updates of new and exciting chesed/community service opportunities will be emailed to you weekly. It is your responsibility to check your emails for important updates about the program. 

A) Chesed opportunities you can sign up for include, but are not limited to:

Yeshivah of Flatbush Chesed Opportunities

Yachad/Yachad Play/Yachad Shabbaton

Peer Tutoring

Ladies Auxiliary

Cooking for a Cause

Sephardic Community Center Sunday Programs: 11am-4pm

Soup Kitchens/ Food Pantries


Aishel Shabbat

Tomchei Shabbos


Homework Help: Every Monday and Wednesday 5:45-6:45pm at SBH 425 Kings Highway. Requirements: all students welcome for individual hours. Students who come consistently and take this on as a project will build relationships and serve as mentors and role models.

Reach for the Stars: Every other Sunday 11-4pm. Dedicated, trustworthy and energetic teens will spend time with special needs children and develop strong relationships and bonds with them. Limited availability.

Big Brother/Big Sister: Every other Sunday 11-4pm. Get paired with client children and serve as transformative role models for them. Consistency a must. License needed.

Sarah Sutton A”H Food Pantry: Every Monday night at 6:15pm teens join together to help stock and organize the SBH food pantry. You can become a consistent member of the food pantry team including helping to oversee and organize volunteers and donations.

Hospital Meals: Once a week help deliver meals to community members staying in the hospital. Licensed drivers only.

Adopt a Sitto/Jido: Once a week connect with a senior member of the community. Consistency a must. 

Sunday Brunch  with the seniors at Ahi Ezer . Details to follow

C.A.R.E. for Special Children        
1977 Coney Island Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11223

About C.A.R.E. They service over 150 families in the Sephardic Jewish community in Brooklyn who have children with special needs. For the past four years, they have been providing parents and family members of children with special needs with information, advocacy, and support. In addition, they also have programs for the special children and their siblings, such as basketball leagues, sibling workshops, Hanukkah and Purim events, and parent and sibling support groups, to name a few.

Girls Program: Every Monday night, we offer exciting activities for girls with special needs. We are in need of 7-8 girls on a weekly basis to help run the activities and help our girls have an incredible time! (7-8 girls, Monday evenings, 6-7 p.m. at the CARE building)

Tennis Program: Every Wednesday evening, we offer 1:1 tennis instruction under the direction of a tennis coach for boys with special needs and/or their siblings. We are in need of 2 boys to help out with the coaching, and help our boys maximize their tennis experience. (2 boys, Wednesday evenings, 5:30- 7 p.m. at the CARE building)

Home-based volunteering opportunities: We have a variety of opportunities for students to work with special children and/or their siblings at their homes. Opportunities are available for tutoring and big brother/sister. (Boys and girls, at the homes of the children, days and times vary and are flexible)

Chat Group for Special Events: Throughout the year, we run a number of special events, including a Purim carnival, Hanukkah toy event, trips, and more. We are in need of a large group of students, (the more the better), to be on this group and help us out with these special events as needed. In addition, we  would need a student (ie: class president) to serve as our primary contact/chat administrator, and mobilize students via the chat when needed for events.   

IMAGINE: Imagine is a school  for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other developmental challenges.

Respite program: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:30- 5:30 

Sunday Program: Weekly trips from 10:00-4:00 

SPECIAL CHILDREN’S CENTER: (Girls Only) The Center is focused on a multi-faceted service program for children and adults with complex developmental disabilities.

Mondays-Thursdays : 3:00-5:30

Sunday Program 11:00-3:00


C) Independent Project:
Any student interested in creating their own chesed project should apply here. In order to qualify projects must be pre-approved by Ms. Sara Ovadia and a weekly email with details on the project must be submitted.

Room 309 (Office)

Please Download the link below to fill out form:
Chesed Guidlines

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