Online Databases

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Academic OneFile full-text articles from leading journals and reference sources.

American History

Ancient and Medieval History explores the cultures & countries of the pre-modern world.

AP Science scholarly, peer-reviewed science journal articles.

Bar-Ilan Responsa Project Online including Talmudic Encyclopedia online sources for Tanakh, Talmud she'elot u-teshovot, marshim, and more.

Bloom's Literature  overviews, critical analyses, biographical essays & more on world literature.

Business Economics and Theory academic journals and magazines focusing on topics in economics.

Business Insights: Essentials information on companies, industries and more, with timely news, statistical data, and in-depth reports.

Business Source Complete search for comprehensive listings of company profiles and information, industry profiles, market research reports and more. 

Criminal Justice access 150 journals on law & law enforcement.

Encyclopedia Judaica eBook reference volume on all aspects of Jewish history and culture.

Fine Arts and Music Collection full-text journals covering drama, music, art history, filmmaking and more. 

Gale Virtual Reference Library eBooks on topics including law, the arts,literature, business & history.

Historical New York Times archive of original articles published in the New York Times from 1850 - 2009.

Issues & Controversies

Issues & Controversies in History examines topics in U.S. History from differing perspectives.

JSTOR comprehensive archive of major scholarly journals, dating from the 1600s until the present.

Modern World History offers a comprehensive look at world history from the mid-15th century to the present.

NY State Newspapers
resources include full-text access to recent NY Times articles and other newspapers.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context viewpoint essays, news articles & statistics on controversial issues.

Primary Documents: Revolutionary War & Civil War access primary source materials from these historical eras

ProQuest Central full-text articles on all research topics, culled from hundreds of respected periodicals.

Psychology Collection access to 200 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals. 

Science Online search full-text science magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos and more.

U.S. History in Context full-text articles, primary sources & multimedia on topics in American history.

U.S. Newsstream detailed index of full-text newspaper articles from a wide array of publications..

World History in Context explore the modern and ancient world with this indispensable resource.

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